The title of this blog post may be a bit of mouthful, but Facebook Tagging is very simple. That said,  many nonprofits still don’t know how to do it. Without fail, every time I demonstrate Facebook Tagging in a social media training there is always a resounding “Wait… hold up! How did you do that? Can you please show it again?” Here you go… showing it again :):

1) Like the Facebook Page you want to post on/Tag:

2) In your Status Update type “@” and the first few letters of the Page you want to post on/Tag:

3) Select the Page from the pop-down window to insert the Page’s title [linked] into your Status Update, and then finish writing your Status Update:

4) Add an additional link to your Status Update (optional, but useful):

5) “Share” and review your Status Update on both your page and the Tagged Page:

That you have to send out a Status Update from your own Page to post on other Pages significantly reduces the liklihood of spammers taking advantage of Tagging on Facebook. That said, use the functionality sparingly, but with generosity. By promoting others on Facebook (via Tagging) you can also promote your own organization and nurture partnerships.

Related Links:
Sea Turtle Conservancy Facebook Page
Nonprofit Organizations Facebook Page
Webinar: How Nonprofits Can Successfully Use Facebook and Facebook Apps