playGood news! In addition to the United States and the United Kingdom, nonprofits in Canada and Australia can now also take advantage of  YouTube’s Nonprofit Program. The benefits of the program incude:

  • Premium branding capabilities and increased uploading capacity (View Example)
  • The option to drive fundraising through a Google Checkout “Donate” button
  • Listing on the Nonprofit channels and the Nonprofit videos pages
  • Ability to add a Call-to-action overlay on your videos to drive campaigns
  • Posting a video opportunity on the YouTube Video Volunteers platform to find a skilled YouTube user to create a video for your cause.

I have applied to the nonprofit program for numerous nonprofits. It’s easy, simple and the vast majority of nonprofits are approved. If your nonprofits is legal with your own nonprofit status, you shouldn’t have any problem at all. I do recommend that nonprofits design their channel, upload a couple of videos, and get a few friends and subscribers before applying. It’s rumored that doing so helps speed up the approval process.

Once approved, you can then also participate in the Do Gooder Nonprofit Video Awards. In addition, make sure you subscribe to YouTube’s Agent Change Channel and friend me at:!

Related Webinar:
How Nonprofit Organizations Can Successfully Use YouTube, Animoto and Flickr