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Why Have a Dedicated Nonprofit Bank Account?

March 22, 2024
Nonprofits have unique needs when it comes to financial management. If you’re looking for a bank as a new nonprofit or researching options in preparation for switching banks, don’t just settle for a business bank account. There are numerous factors you’ll want to consider for your bank account that are specific for nonprofits.

3 Ways to Boost Donor Retention with Nonprofit Tech Tools

March 8, 2024
Donor retention is important. If you’ve been in the nonprofit space for more than a week or two, you’ve probably read all about it—how retaining donors is more cost-effective than acquiring new ones, how it’s an important part of building a sustainable fundraising program, and how focusing on retaining your donors should be one of your top priorities.

Substack for Nonprofit Communications

February 9, 2024
Substack is a more user-friendly version of Medium that has garnered a large following. Many people regularly post on Substack. Initially, Substacks primarily focused on branding, organization, and food, but the platform's political content has grown, and now there are many notable political Substacks.