Guest Post Archive

The Biggest Branding Mistakes Nonprofits Make: 3 Essential Fixes

June 16, 2024
Despite meaningful and transformative missions, nonprofits often fall into common branding traps. Small and medium-sized nonprofits, in particular, often lack the resources and expertise to craft compelling narratives, engage supporters, and clearly define the problems they address. This leads to confusion, disengagement, and missed opportunities for support.

The Ultimate Guide to Google Ad Grants for Nonprofits: 2024 Edition

January 7, 2024
Google Ad Grants is a philanthropic initiative by Google that provides nonprofit organizations with free advertising credits of up to $10,000 per month on the Google Ads platform. The program allows nonprofits to display their ads on Google Search results pages, potentially reaching millions of people interested in their causes.

5 Fundraising Trends to Watch for in 2024

December 2, 2023
December is an important month for nonprofit fundraisers! A lot of time, effort, and preparation goes into ensuring end-of-year campaigns are successful and being up to date on fundraising trends for the year ahead is important so you can diversify and maximize your fundraising success.

5 Strategies to Spark Brand Leadership at Your Nonprofit

July 16, 2023
Brand Leadership is not branding and marketing. It’s not your logo, website, social media, or fundraising campaigns. Brand Leadership is “from within” leadership, and for branding, marketing, and everything else to be effective, it has to come first. Ignore Brand Leadership at your peril.

150+ Creative Ways to Show Donors Appreciation

December 14, 2022
Nonprofit organizations have a lot of challenges relating to fundraising. Nonprofits need every tool possible to entice donors to join and then stick around for years. Some organizations use donor perks and benefits to show appreciation to and retain donor long term.