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Odds Are, Your Nonprofit Has a Facebook Community Page :: Find It, Claim It, and Link It to Your Official Page

May 12, 2010
8/7/11 Update: You can no longer link community pages to your official page. Instead, you can now merge them. Over the last month Facebook has created millions of Community Pages. As I understand it, Community Pages are created based on what Facebook users have mentioned on their personal Facebook profiles. For example, someone mentioned the Scleroderma Research Foundation on...

How Facebook Community Pages Undermine Nonprofit’s Official Pages in Facebook Searches

April 30, 2010
Today is Arbor Day. I wanted to promote the the National Arbor Day’s Facebook Page on the Nonprofit Organizations Facebook Page. So, I searched Facebook for “Arbor Day” and three Pages came up: 1) Arbor Day :: 79 Likes: 2) National Arbor Day Foundation :: 99 Likes: 3) Arbor Day :: 2 Likes: My first thought:...

HOW TO: Create a Mobile Website for Your Nonprofit for $8 a Month

April 29, 2010
The Web is going mobile. Faster than anyone thought. Smartphones are transforming the Internet and how individuals access the Web. One in five Americans now access the mobile Web daily. Some through Apps. Others through mobile Web browsers. This means nonprofits and their web communication strategies need to transform as well. One of the most – if not the...

Four Reasons Why Nonprofits Should Reconsider Facebook

April 24, 2010
Reconsider. To think about again. To reassess. To reevaluate. I have been mulling this post over for months, and with some recent changes made by Facebook, the time has come. Some of the opinions I express below I have had for a while and speak to them in my webinars and trainings, but some are so recent that I...

The State of iPhone Fundraising Apps :: Three Examples

April 12, 2010
In January 2010, I was quoted by Association & Nonprofit BizNow for saying: “ envisions a mobile app with a GuideStar database of nonprofits that would make it possible for people to donate to any organization at any time. A receipt would automatically be e-mailed along with a customized thank you letter. At year’s end, givers could print out...

10 Free Nonprofit iPhone Apps

April 6, 2010
First there was 10 Nonprofit Text Alert Campaigns. Then 10 Nonprofit Mobile Websites. Now 10 Free Nonprofit iPhone Apps. I thought it was important to lay the foundation of group texting and mobile websites for nonprofits before moving into examining how nonprofits are using iPhone Apps: 1. National Public Radio :: DownloadApp Name: NPR News Updated: March 4, 2010...

10 Social Media Metrics for Nonprofit Organizations (and How To Track Them)

March 24, 2010
“A survey of 200 charity and foundation professionals revealed that nonprofits are finding it difficult to determine how valuable social media tools are for their organizations. Seventy-nine percent said they hadn’t found ways to do so.” – Chronicle of Philanthropy, November 12, 2009 For those 79% of nonprofits out there, I have listed 10 social media metrics below that...

HOW TO: Effectively Manage Hate and Anger on Social Media Sites

March 21, 2010
I normally try to leave politics and religion out of my work with nonprofits, but this time I need to make an exception. A month ago I launched a Facebook Page called Accomplishments of President Barack Obama. In just that short time it has become abundantly clear that I have been living and working in social networking bubble of...

Which is a better investment for your nonprofit – an iPhone App or a mobile website?

March 10, 2010
June 7 Update :: As mentioned in the post below, I started sensing that a mobile website may be a better investment for nonprofits than an iPhone/iTouch App early in 2010. Some new data reinforces that idea: comScore: Browser Continues to be More Popular than Applications for Accessing Mobile Web CNET: Google Android surpases iPhone in the U.S. Pew:...

Facebook Advertising Experiment for Nonprofit Organizations :: The Results

March 2, 2010
Over the last few weeks I have been running a Facebook Advertising experiment for the Nonprofit Organizations Facebook Page. While the ad itself produced little-to-no results, some unexpected Facebook insights did come out of running the ad. The results are below: 1. Purchasing advertising did not increase my fan base or help my Status Updates show up in the...

YouTube Extends Their Nonprofit Program to Canada and Australia

February 26, 2010
Good news! In addition to the United States and the United Kingdom, nonprofits in Canada and Australia can now also take advantage of  YouTube’s Nonprofit Program. The benefits of the program incude: Premium branding capabilities and increased uploading capacity (View Example) The option to drive fundraising through a Google Checkout “Donate” button Listing on the Nonprofit channels and the...

Four Reasons Why Nonprofits Need a Mobile Website

February 24, 2010
If your nonprofit is experimenting with text-to-give, text alerts and/or smartphone Apps (or planning to), then launching a mobile website is something your organization should seriously consider. If not an entire site, then at the very least your organization should create select web pages that are designed to be easily read on mobile devices. Here are four reasons why:...